Grip Trick, I found putting grips on was quite tough, so I oiled the inside and they slide right one... ...HA! kidding, actually this...
it's a hacked tripod mount. I have a little HD camera that I'll toss on to get some footage from time to time.
was it a tough job to put the airfilters on? did you notice much of an improvement in performance moving the intakes from under the seat?
what did you paint transmission with? fork and fenders? I'm seeing something like that for mine. I just want something clean and classic like that...
T2R - Sounds like we are on the same page for ideas. Where should I start looking for gauges? I'm not 100% sure what type I should be looking for...
[img] [img] [img] Here's what I'm thinking: Sandblast and polish the wheels Paint the Tank and side panels black Shave the seat...