Yes it only seems to happen after bike has been ridden for a while.I thought the idle was set to high but when i turned the idle screw it wouldn't...
Just went for a long ride over the weekend.The bike runs good allthough when I pull in the clutch to start slowing down the engine seems to take a...
SWEET! Can't wait to see the finished pics.
As far as the mirrors are concerned it is possible to either bend the shafts a little or cut the shaft an reweld it into the correct...
I have been looking for a bike , came across the maxim from the original owner and couldn't turn it down.It's a nice ride and the price was perfect.
Thanks again,That last pic looks like my bike.I'll start paying attention to the headlights a little bit more now, Also the link that thedude sent...
Thanks for all the help, I will see what I can do. Pictures are now posted!
Yes my bars are the oddball type.Is there anyway to switch them out? This is a new bike I just accquired so I don't mind spending$.
The bars on my maxim are square not round.I was told the secas might be round and cause a problem for interchanging parts.I am having trouble...
New XJ owner. Can anyone tell me if the seca handlebars are square like the maxims?I would like to put a seca fairing on my maxim, but I'm not...
Just seeing how to post hope it works :?: