I put my wifes maxim on ebay. Item # 250454622766. She cant ride it--too big for the little girl. If anyone has an offer, message me.
Dont get me started on the aftermarket needles and seats!!!! I spent 10 hours trying to set mine using the clear tubes. The new seats just dont...
Update-----------I took the bike for about 10 miles. Longest trip so far since ive had it. Started and idles good. Runs good, has lots of power....
I looked at the tach. its not mechanical. I havent taken it apart yet or checked the wiring. but would guess my guage is bad. there is a crack in...
Ill check that out. I need a new headlight anyway. I am gonna check the cable with a drill and make sure its turnig the tach sufficiently too. it...
I found some good threads-Ill figure it out. Thanks.
I believe the enrichiner curcuit runs through the bowl. it is a super tiny hole that goes through the gasket and out the little tiny opening in...
I was researching tach parts on ebay to find that there is a tack drive and cable. apparenty this guage is mecanical and drives off the cam...
The choke must be working beacause he said it will idle up when running and its turned on. I would start simple like put new plugs in it or take...
Well, hopefully my carb flooding problem is fixed. so on to the next thing. the tach doesnt work correctly. it comes up to about 1000 rps at idle....
Be sure to keep all jets, floats and other parts seperated and put back into the original position. if you have to buy needles and seats--buy the...