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Valve Cover Bolt Pressure Washer/Donut Tool

Discussion in 'XJ 3D Printing & STL Files' started by Oblivion, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    VERY simple file here to print a little cone to guide new pressure washers/'donuts' over the valve cover bolt shoulders. A little dab of silicone grease doesn't hurt. Might have to play with scaling in your slicer depending on your printer.

    I used the 'fine' preset in Ultimaker Cura and the 'tool' easily lasted for all 12 bolts. Printed in PLA in about 8 minutes.


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    Dan Gardner likes this.
  2. Dan Gardner

    Dan Gardner Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Very cool. Now if you could just figure out a tool to get them OFF!!!
  3. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Tell me about it! I cruised through the little ones with small bolt cutters and side-cutters, then hit the 4 big dogs. My hands were . . . not thrilled. I stepped up to the BIG bolt cutters to get them started, small bolt cutters to actually get through the metal. I did 3 cuts far enough apart for Vice-Grip jaws, used to pairs on adjacent 'tabs,' and flexed them until they broke. Then did the next. Then cut out the hard rubber with the side-cutters. Goes take some grunt, though.

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