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eBay carb kits

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Jadds, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. Jadds

    Jadds Member

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    Does anyone have any experience with eBay parts like carb rebuild kits like this one?
    Are they worth it, is it a mistake buying them?
  2. Fuller56

    Fuller56 Well-Known Member

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    Cary, NC (winter) Harpursville, NY (summer)
    I have no personal experience with these kits for Yamahas but I have bought similar for a Honda and while it came with a lot of bits and parts only about 10% was anything I could use. Len at XJ4Ever (Logo the upper right corner of this page) has the exact right parts. A quick message to him will let you know about availability and shipping to you in Oz. The best guy to do business with you will find anywhere.
    JCH likes this.
  3. Melnic

    Melnic Active Member

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    I have rebuilt carbs with parts from Len XJ4ever as well as Amazon/Ebay.
    Most of the brass is useless from the Amazon/Ebay kits and if you use it may make the carb way out of wack!
    My success was re using the jets that came in the carbs after just cleaning them up good.
    In my first carb I did, I ordered jets from Xj4ever cause the jets in the carb were not original spec. in Hind sight, I could have let them go and would have likely been ok I think. (will have to look at my notes).
    I have seen 2 of the 5 carb sets I have come across where someone bumped up the pilot and main jets. I think that's ok and likely not worth changing.
    that linked carb kit looks like it has paper bowl gasket which I think is ok, but I like the one Xj4ever sells better.
    IT has a cheap screen on the needle housing (what ever you call it). I prefer the original one all cleaned up.
    I find that these kits will come with jets that are not approprate and remember, depending on the year, you start off with different jets.
    I would not trust the needle or emulsion tubes either. I trial fit one set and the threading was really rough.
    You want that tiny black O ring for the idle mixture screw.
    I forgot where I got my last 2 carb kits but I like the needle that came with it better than what yo have shown as well as better than xj4ever needle.
    You need O rings for the fuel tubes that run between carbs. I use a Viton O ring kit from Harbor freight.
    You need vacuum seals which that kit does not have (8). Len sells those.

    My personal opinion is you always change the following
    vacuum seals (8)
    6 fuel transfer tube O rings (originally they are D rings). Viton kit from HF. oil or grease them before fitting cause they will be tight fit.
    4 float Needles
    4 bowl gaskets

    Clean up EVERYTHING else and re use IMO. If you damage a jet, get from XJ4ever.

    Good Luck and clear ALL the passages, especially the enrichment jet in the bowl itself (see the Mezmo engineering video)
    This is what I used on one carb kit I did for someone else. and aside from the bowl gasket, that is what is on my recent bike I re did.
    I only used the following.
    bowl gasket (again, Xj4ever gasket is better).
    float Needle (little one with black tip)
    tiny o ring (for idle mixture screw)
    Bowl drain screws (his screws were stripped). in that pic, there is a spring wrapped around drain screws, you don't use that

    If you just get all of what you ONLY need from xj4ever, you won't be dissapointed.
    Roast644 and Jetfixer like this.
  4. Hollybrook

    Hollybrook Member

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    To get my 1985 FJ600 (US version of XJ600) running correctly, I had to go up a size with the pilot jets, and raise the needles one clip. I also went up one size on the mains, but might end up going back down on them again. Here is a thread I posted on getting the bike running properly on E10 fuel.

  5. Jetfixer

    Jetfixer Well-Known Member

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    You will not go wrong with xj4ever, he has the correct butterfly seals. I have had good luck with a kit I ordered from eBay but as it does not have the butterfly seals you have to get those from xj4ever . As far as jets had used Jets R Us used them for Hitachi and Mikuni carbs for Yamaha, Kawasaki and Honda .
  6. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    No matter which vendor you choose on E-Bay, you have more than a 50% chance of he getting a carb kit that has the incorrect parts.

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