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aaugh elitest !@#$%

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by atlantiandreams, May 4, 2008.

  1. Great_Buffalo

    Great_Buffalo Member

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    I've done business at most of the shops in Sioux Falls and haven't gotten an attutude at all. Harlen at the Suzuki / Victory shop is one of the most accomidating guys you will ever find. The guys at the MidAmerica spent alomost 2 hours with my 16 year old in getting parts and accessories for his 80 Honda 360, they probably lost in the long run but wanted his first bike to be something "special"

    Sometimes us vintage guys go in with an attitude of our own, I know I do it. My problem comes from service dept personel that are too young to know what these bikes are and end up looking stupid because they try to fake their way through the process. Lately I go in with the idea that they need an education and I'm the guy that can teach them that just because our bikes are old doesn't make them uncool. The bonehead that I have had the oppotunity to get very frustrated with on more than one occasion is now the very proud owner of a 81 XJ550. He never would have bought it if I didn't spend the time to educate this 19 year old kid that these things are as fun if not more fun than his Yami 600R. He came by my house the other day and asked if I knew of anyone looking for a 600R.

    I do however do business with this community when ever possible because thats what we are, a community.

    Keep up the good work all inj taking care of our own.

    The Buff
  2. Fode140

    Fode140 Member

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    Wauconda, Illinois
    I'm pretty lucky I guess where I'm at. Used to take my old '81 XJ750RH Seca to a dealer in the Schaumburg area here in Illinois that would still work on it up until I sold it in '05. Went back to inquire if they still would since I just picked up an '83 XJ750 Seca full dresser, and they said they wouldn't work on anything older than '91! So, just about a month ago a new dealer opened up in Wauconda, (the town where I live), checked out their website and they said they specialized in "vintage" bike repairs. Walked in and got a salesman and told him I'm picking up an '83 Seca and would probably be bringing it in for service; he shook my hand, introduced himself, showed me around the dealer and told me whenever you need anything, come in and we'll get you taken care of. Very nice, considerate and proffesional. Like I said, taking into consideration some of your stories, I consider myself really lucky that I have an outlet close by that's willing to work on an older Yamaha and appreciates my business!

    RPCVFR Member

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    Sioux Falls, SD
    Great_Buffalo Ohh Harlen rocks i will agree 100% with U on that. I'm talking about the Meglomart that is Motoplex the parts counter guys with the exception of 1 all give me a I dont have time for your old crap. But U are right i might be biased i was an Auto Tech for 14years and i am guilty of the Attitude as well.

    I just wish that people would take in accout that not all of us are in it for the "LOOK" and some of us just enjoy the satisfaction of keeping an old goat running thats not a HD, BMW or some really off the wall weird thing running. Yeah i know that a XJ550 is only worth around 750-1100 but damnit i like this bike and i'm gonna keep it goin as long as i can. I dont need someone "including my wife" saying the it not worth it. Even my Cousin that gave it to me was saying man why would you dump 900+ dollars into this? but he was ear to ear smiles after i let him ride it. I could tell that he was regretting giving it away.
  4. donhoe

    donhoe Member

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    Grand Forks, ND
    we have a good shop her where I live, he works on everything. only problem is he's really busy, and can take more than a month to get to your stuff.
    last time I went to see him, he had 4 xj's in his shop. I was just wandering if any of those were on this site, but I seem to be the only one in this area.

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