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Carb cleaning adventure/questions thread!

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by kleraudio, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    True Milliken. I think I like that idea, doing all 4 at once. I can't get this damn rack to stay in the pvc stand I just made.... How are you guys getting this thing to stay put?
  2. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    NOR did you snag yourself a WorkMate, or you would have a "functional vise" as well as a table of sorts to work on. PLUS you'd have a way to "mount" a 2X4...

    Anyway, it takes a lot less messing around draining/filling if you measure all 4, then go in and make your adjustments to the ones that need it.
  3. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Fitz, I looked at the workmates. You said yours is the older one. From everything I've read I've seen nothing but horrible reviews. People who had the old one say the new one is simply garbage... I guess I can still take a chance on it...

    Even if I was able to mount a 2x4, I'd have no way to mount the carbs to it. I think I'll measure all 4 carbs at once and just drain the ones that need it and have another go at it. Seems like it would be the best way to go about it...
  4. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    My WorkMate is like 40 some-odd years old; and if used ONLY as intended, they're only so-so so I can understand some bad reviews.

    However, if "misused" adapted and/or abused (as I have) it has (and continues to) serve me well.

    As a matter of fact, there are a number of pics of me using it as a table, a vise and an "anvil" in my rear wheel bearing how-to: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=35134.html
  5. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Fitz, that's a hell of a post! OK, I think I'll just order one and do the rest of this stuff on my balcony. This back and forth stuff is driving me absolutely insane! I saw the table in that write-up, sold!
  6. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Tomorrow, its wet set time. If needing to do an adjustment, you take the bowl off while the carb is still "vised"... do you have to pull the pin and take the float out when bending the tang? Then everything including the needle has to be put back in 'inverted'? Any tricks on how to NOT mess up these float needles when putting them in and taking them out repeatedly?
  7. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    You CAN take the bowl off with the rack still "mounted" but it's often easier to access the innards if it's laying upside down on the bench.

    You DO NOT have to pull the pin and remove the float, etc., every time you adjust. The amount of "bending" on the tang is very very minimal; think "tweak" or "nudge" rather than "bend." You can make the adjustment without tearing it all apart.

    Another tip for wet-setting: Don't go by your first fill "readings" when making an adjustment. Fill, drain, refill, drain, refill each bowl...then "read" the level. You'll get much more accurate readings if you "cycle" the float/needle a few times first.
  8. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Thanks for the tips Fitz. I'll attempt to do this with the rack still mounted so I can work on one float at a time and not have to drain them all, then take the rack out of the vise, etc.... Can I re use the gas from all of this if I get a gas container to drain in to? I don't see why not, but just want to make sure!
  9. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    So I couldn't justify another 15 bucks for a one time use gas can. I have no use for one. I plan on using a glass jar and just putting the gas back into my tank after every drain.... should be good to go that way... AND I won't be out of gas come time to put the carbs back on :)
  10. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    She runs, she runs!! :)

    Today was a rough day. Wet setting is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I spent 5 hours and didn't accomplish much actually. I managed to break a retaining clip on my float needle, so hopefully that won't get seized for a while lol. No matter how much i moved that tang I got barely any fuel movement. the levels are close, not perfect, but close enough. Then I went to remove the gaskets, they were seized. Or someone glued them in. That took FOREVER! I couldn't get all of the gasket material off, but I got a good amount of it off and the new seals seem to work just fine.

    After that I did a bench sync then went downstairs to the bike to put the carbs back in. what a PITA!! Then it started pouring, I covered up the bike quickly and waited it out. after the storm I finished installing the carbs and installed new fuel line and an inline fuel filter. I think I need to fix that up a bit as it goes up a little before it goes back down.... Not sure how that's gonna effect fuel intake.. we'll see.

    So after it was all said and done, I turned the petcock to "on" and let the carbs fill up... I pushed start... nothing!! was very worried. Battery must have needed a wake up or something. Pushed start again, it tried to crank but couldnt start.... figured I needed to wait for more gas to hit the float bowls... waited another minute, pushed the button, it turned but wouldn't go, finally i just gave it throttle while pushing start and it came to life.

    Went for a spin aroudn the block, came back to my parking spot and realized that choke had been on the whole time, when i turned off the choke at idle, it died immediately. I figured the idle knob on the carbs needed tending to.

    Started up in choke and adjusted the knob until it was revving pretty good, killed choke and it was idling right around 1300.... I'll need to tweak that tomorrow or during the coming work week. went for another ride, 50mph winds right now so it was a short ride lol. Came back and shut her off. Then just for fun, i wanted to see if I could push start and not touch the throttle.... and it worked!!

    I can now push the start button and the bike fires right up!!

    Thanks for all your help everyone. This has been one hell of a project. I feel really good about my work and I couldn't have done any of this without this website!

  11. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    You're getting close.

    With the bike fully warmed up, back the idle down to 1150. You should need the "choke" for cold-starting.

    And I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're far from finished. The process has just begun, and you've accomplished the first OF MANY milestones.

    Now we talk brakes. And you're still gonna need to do a vacuum sync.
  12. BruceB

    BruceB Active Member

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    Wow...what a great post...12 days of a bunch of people offering advice, tools and parts to help a new member out. This is what this forum is all about and for everybody involved, bravo, job well done. Kleraudio, you now owe your knowledge and experiences to the forum when another new member asks for advice....perpetuation of knowledge....
  13. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Fitz I know there is more to be done, let me bask in this victory for a few days :)

    Yep, brakes are next on the agenda along with a vac sync. I've got my SS lines, need to get the mc and caliper rebuild kit. Afraid those SS lines aren't gonna fit when I put on new bars though..

    Bruce, thank you man. I owe it all to this place! I'll be here when another new member asks questions, that's for sure!
  14. xjnewbie2

    xjnewbie2 New Member

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    This is indeed a great example of why I love this site. Kudos everyone.
  15. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Kudos indeed!!

    I took her out for a hundred mile run today. Got into the twisties in the mountains. So fun!!

    Would my mpg have increased dramatically because of the carb rebuild? I did the usual 80 miles and went to fill up. Normally that'll cost me 8-9 bucks (premium @ ~~3.69 a gallon) I did 80 miles today and filled her up, 4.50!! Would my gas mileage have increased because of the job I just performed? That would be awesome!
  16. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    before seems kind of low but after seems really high. maybe check those numbers again.
    i get about 34 to about 66, you should work for GM
  17. kleraudio

    kleraudio Member

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    Lol it wasn't empty when I filled up that's the point!

    Usually after 80 miles I need 9 bucks (almost 3 gallons) this time I needed half that.

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