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Idle issues?

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by ryancdossey, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. ryancdossey

    ryancdossey Member

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    Indianapolis, IN
    Manbot13 thanks for the advice I will definitely check them out. And I do rely HEAVILY on my hands so the gloves will be worth their weight in gold.

    I'll look into getting some boots.

    I do not ride if there is even 1% chance of rain. I'm also a new rider. But it sounds miserable to me.

    The only issues I'm having at this point is with shifting.Do you guys find that its harder to shift into second when you ride first hard? Is there a way to smooth is out?
  2. skoster

    skoster Member

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    Hmm... I was thinking about this while riding today, and I seem to remember that just after I did a clutch job if I leaned left (cornering) while the bike wasn't warmed up yet and the enrichment circuit was still on a touch, the gears could be a little sticky to shift.

    I'm figuring the friction plates needed a little time to bed, especially when the rpms were a little high from the enrichment circuit and the oil was lower on the clutch side due to leaning.

    That's all supposition, though.
  3. ryancdossey

    ryancdossey Member

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    That will be something to look at. Obviously I'm very knew to all of this... I'm going to have a friend who has a 70's bike he restored take a ride on it and see what he thinks.

    I'm fairly certain it only does it in from hard on first into second. Ill try getting on it in second and going to third on my way home.

    Weather is a nice 64 today So i was able to bring the bike to work.

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