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Pilot Fuel Circuit - Unmasked

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Palmer650, May 29, 2009.

  1. dpawl31

    dpawl31 Member

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    NH, USA
    Guys, I think I found the problem...

    When you 'spray out' the passages in the pilot circuit, the spray will take the path of least resistance.

    Basically, if you spray in cleaner in the fuel jet OR air jet passage, it will come out the other, as well as the pilot hole in the front of the carb throat (if your screw is in) or in the hole inside where the mix screw goes.

    Now - there are TWO OTHER HOLES... the bypass holes.

    What I am doing this weekend, and will update on how it goes - pressurize the carb cleaner (tight fit syringe) into the air jet passage.
    Then I will install my mix screw COMPLETELY to block off the main pilot hole in the carb throat.
    Plug the FUEL JET passage with my finger... then PUSH.
    This will force the flow to go to my bypass holes - where I believe my problem is.

    If I sit at idle too long, the plugs get dark and foul up.
    If I run on choke for a bit, same thing. Even 1/4 choke.

    If I start it, and GO, it will bog a lot till I am warm, and even then coming off idle is NOT great at all.

    I will have to verify my bypass holes are dirty/plugged this weekend - but I think that is my problem.

    A simple 'probe and rinse and airdry' won't work on this circuit.
    Too many bends for probling the hole thing, too many inlets/outlets to flush it properly. The fluid is finding path of least resistance, and thus goes THERE only. No pressure is applied to dirty/clogged areas.
  2. xjamien

    xjamien New Member

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    Yes, I agree completely. Path of least resistance!
  3. Tman_74

    Tman_74 Member

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    North Ridgeville, OH
    dpawl31>>>> If I start it, and GO, it will bog a lot till I am warm, and even then coming off idle is NOT great at all.

    mine is doin the samething..
  4. dpawl31

    dpawl31 Member

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    Because my bypass holes are plugged shut, I have to increase the pilot flow (ie 5-6 turns out). When I come off idle, I am getting a rush of air which is leaning my mix out since I don't get any bypass flow.

    Thus, the bogging.

    When I get warm, with a combination of cleaner plugs from revving up and better combustion due to higher temp, it doesn't bog anymore... Still doesn't act right though. And without that extra flow from the bypass constantly, I can NOT get my plugs tan. Well, ONE is tan right now, the other 3 are white. In fact, #1 is dark tan, nearly black, and has spots on the insulator. Which I believe I read somewhere black spots on the insulator mean dirt adhering the plug? (clog coming loose).

    Hope this is all right and it works out for me this weekend. Will report back.

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