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Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by RickCoMatic, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Wrench26

    Wrench26 Member

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    Fort belvoir, VA
    Yes there will be a grommet that will surround the exit hole were the pipe comes out and a small filter screen on or in the end of the pipe. Once I make the jig needed to make them faster than 1 hour each. I will get the remaining concerns that come up solved. This is just the prototype #1. Minor mod needed to make it look better
  2. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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  3. Wrench26

    Wrench26 Member

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    Very much so will work it some was once I finish I'm going to get a colortune and hopefully get it ready tuned would like to find a guy with a Dyno to really tune it and have physical proofto show for the design and it working
  4. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    There isn't enough "Tuning Parameters" on the 30 year old Bike to warrant bringing the Bike somewhere for Dyno improvement.

    1.) The Mixtures are NOT software tunable.
    2.) The Timing and Advance Curve cannot be reprogrammed. There's NO way to hook-up the Bike to anything but Battery Charger.

    Rather than pay to have the Dyno-run, ... Just do what you can to Tune your Bike to within the small margin of performance alteration available.

    Plug Chop.
    Tweak the Pilot Mixtures Screws to a Point where they are acceptably lean.
    Once the Mixture Screws are set to allow the Bike to IDLE -and- run well at the initiation of OFF IDLE, ... you have about 6 -to- 10 Degrees of what amounts to a Tuning Preference.
  5. Wrench26

    Wrench26 Member

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    Well the jig is make and working great just need time now to finish the build. Getting the colortune and will ride hard the way it is now. Then put the tubs in and tune the beat I know how to. I planon having the final test done over this weekend I have four days off. I plan of finishing and giving my final write up. The real question come to if they really work who would be interested in getting some I know the first one took me little over 2 hours to make and manipulate to fit in the port and soldier together. I'm thinking if they do work I can make for people and sell. Probely powder coat different colors and make kits and half kits. What is everyone's oppionion on the idea if they do work who would want them. I may set up a poll if the do work and I can feel a difference and notice a better balanced bike.
  6. xRedemptionx

    xRedemptionx Member

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    I would probably buy a kit from you
  7. darkfibre

    darkfibre Member

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    Forget the 'tuning' part, put it on the dyno with the tubes removed and the holes in the pods taped over.
    Get a print out of the power curve with the mixture curve shown as well.

    Fit tubes then:

    Get a print out of the power curve with the mixture curve shown as well.

    Sit down and analyze what you have.

    Plug chops are great, but when you are making mods that effect certain parts of the fuel curve (pods and slide offset pressures) a quick dyno run is better than a plug chop every 1,000 through to redline.
  8. mook1al

    mook1al Member

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    As far as a filter for testing purposes...small rubber band and panty hose will suffice...
  9. Wrench26

    Wrench26 Member

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    Fort belvoir, VA
    I will be finish the this weekend just have to find a Dyno prop when I go to a bike week event I will get that done. But the filter is a breather foam that is cut into a circle and inserted the end. I have the jig and it going good just need to get a little time to finish. Will give a write up on before performance and after performance
  10. fuggers

    fuggers Member

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    I can't wait to hear the results and am definitely interested in a kit if it works out
  11. fuggers

    fuggers Member

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    I can't wait to hear the results and am definitely interested in a kit if it works out
  12. JimC

    JimC New Member

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    After all of this bullshit nonsense talk and weird science f***ing with stupid pods, I am going to a stock box and no more problems !.
  13. Wrench26

    Wrench26 Member

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    Fort belvoir, VA
    There is no wired science to mechanics and carbs it's just a very simple concept supply fuel with the best atomization to get the best results and performance. If you want to go back to your stock box no one will stop you. I just refunded ricks concept to a hopefully working salution. There is no need for unnessasary language about what you are not doing. Just leave it as you never said anything and do what you want to do. And if it works and you want to join the pods runners we will be here and I will have a nice set of pods with tubes waiting for you. Second note I will have the first test run tomorrow will do my best with a slipping clutch..... Will have a write up on performance and exceleration. Talk to you guy soon..
  14. tumbleweed_biff

    tumbleweed_biff Active Member

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    Ya know something folks? I am still tying to figure out the reason to use pods. First you have to buy the pods, and more than likely around $120 in jets. To what end, I ask? It takes a great deal of time and effort to ever get a relatively decent tuning, and by all reports, there will be gaps in the performance curve resulting in power "dead" spots. I am also interested to hear how a bunch of us riders are supposed to do a better job of engineering the air and fuel flow than the PHD engineers used by Yahama

    I have always found Rick's ideas and suggestions to be very useful and he has gone well out of his way to be helpful to those struggling with problems. Yeah, poor choice of words for the original title, but he fixed it so wherein lies the problem.

    Personally, having directly experience with moronic PO who thought PODs were just too cool so that he violently removed the original airbox to put on PODs. Of course, the bike didn't work right after that despite hundreds spent on shop time.

    It would be very interesting if someone who was planning on switching to PODs were to actually test Rick's theory. Technically, I don't think it is really a theory at this point or even a hypothesis but rather educated conjecture.. Theories generally have some supportive experimental results and a hypothesis usually has general agreement as to the expected results with observations already suggesting the "answer". :)

    I read several pages of this thread, 5 actually, before finally jumping to the end. I find the level of acrimony and personal offense to be quite discouraging and suggest that everyone needs to get the chips off of their shoulders.

    Rick? as much as I like you and appreciate your input and suggestions, I believe that BigFritz was right about your comments to Polock. I had no sense of offense reading his comments. I actually do the type of thing he did all the time - it is one of the things that makes me a really good software tester. I see things that look like flaws or potential issues for the customer and bring them up to the developers and system engineers. We need people who take our ideas to task.

    Clearly, the entire POD issue is one with many opinions and experiences. As I have yet to see some report a completely successful change over to PODs without having ongoing performance issues which proved to be a royal PITA and had a fairly high price tag for the owner, I will avoid them and stongly discourage others from using them on these bikes.If someone comes up with a solution that works, I will gladly acknowledge their success *IF* they can provide plans/instructions and others can replicate the results. YMMV.

    This is a great place to hang out, let's keep it friendly.
  15. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I don't run Pods.
    I don't recommend Pods.
    I won't recommend Pods.

    I feel sorry for those who have listened to others recommending them to try Pods without being offered one, single solitary word of caution.
  16. tumbleweed_biff

    tumbleweed_biff Active Member

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    I didn't think you ran PODs Rick. I seem to recall you being one of several to discourage their use back when I first started here.

    I have recently notice scum bags on eBay posting PODs "designed" for XJ bikes. Makes me angry that there is no way to get the truth to those duped by these jerks.
  17. Kaya

    Kaya Member

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    I get it.

    Its a little deceiving. But honestly, how are we gonna sit and badmouth them. Have you ever watched infomercials? Thats all they do is deceive you and make their item look better. Its marketing and capitalism at its finest.

    How about those Tornado Gas Savers? How about a movie advertised as the best movie of 2012. How about Famous Daves claim of : "The Best Ribs in Town."

    Its speculation at best.

    I think its more the responsibility of the consumer to research what they are buying. Period. With the internet, there is no reason not to.

  18. Kaya

    Kaya Member

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    And I dont wanna step on toes here, but I have seen a number of bikes that seem to be running just fine. I think its funny that some people here are so tight with their money. Dont restore a motorcycle if you are concerned about costs. On a bike that a new carb joint cost $75. There are a whole bunch of good running bikes available for sale at about $1000.

    Im already about $250 into my restore and I havent even started. Pods are cheap, jets are cheap. Buy a colortune, make a YICS tool and manometer.

    I think the total costs for a jet kit, pods and tools needed to tune would run about $175 dollars. Subtract the tuning tools costs from that and I would think the total costs of the mods would be about $100.

    Now I will be the first to admit, $100 can go a long way with other repairs/restoration that is needed, but in the grand swing of things. I would say $100 is a minimal investment, and even if things dont go the way you intend. It is a fairly cheap lesson learned.

    I was never a good, listener and always a better doer. I find I learn way more by making my own mistakes rather than sitting on a computer reading what mistakes others have made. Its still useful, but it doesnt stick with me like it does when I do it for myself.

    This thread has been here 3 months, and even the creator of the thread just said :

    "I don't run Pods.
    I don't recommend Pods.
    I won't recommend Pods.

    I feel sorry for those who have listened to others recommending them to try Pods without being offered one, single solitary word of caution."

    Posting a fix for something, talking about making kits and selling them, and then posting that you dont recommend them..... What does this remind me of? Capitalism at its finest and marketing that needs some work.

    If its a guinea pig that you need for your experiment, Ill gladly do it for ya. I just spent 6 years being a guinea pig for the US government. Isnt it kinda crazy that they test medications and vacninations on US soldiers before they allow testing on civilians. Worst part about it is. You dont have a choice to be a tester.

    Compression just tested good, valves are getting adjusted, and my carbs are getting back from the ultrasonic cleaner today. Ill do the experiment. Worst case scenario, I gotta remove the kidney covers, and solder a hole closed. Not a big deal to me.
  19. tumbleweed_biff

    tumbleweed_biff Active Member

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    I will look forward to your report on your experience. But I still have the question of why even do it? The bike/airflow/fuel mixture are already tweaked out to get maximum performance. To have the PODs actually improve the performance is challenging at best. The Yamaha engineers knew what they were doing and did a damned fine job of it. Trying to surpass their efforts seems to me to be a tail-chasing experience. I guess if one is restoring a bike that didn't have an airbox it might make some sense, but it is still cheaper to get a used box and install it.

    Cost? I challenge your math. :)

    As I understand it, you have to replace 3 jets in each carb. At a minimum of $8 per, that is $98 minimum for the jets and assumes you order the correct ones the first time. Are you able to return used jets?

    On eBay currently I see cheap generic pods for $8 or so plus shipping. The K&N pods are selling for $46 plus shipping. At a minimum that is another $32, and if you go for the K&N quality, you are looking at another $175.

    So if you try to do things on the cheap, you are looking at a minimum of $130 in parts and if you want to use quality components you are looking at around $300.

    Now you have to go through the effort of trying to balance carbs, get the correct constant air flow, etc Seems like an AWEFUL lot of work and money for something which will almost certainly *decrease* the performance of the bike.
  20. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    The problem is, people buy these bikes because they don't have the money to buy what they really wanted. Then they try to mod them to look good. Pods?, why not, they look good and they have seen them on other old Jap bikes. Of coarse nobody knew that the other bikes had different carbs.
    I give props to Rick for trying to figure it all out. Personally, I would do the velocity stacked pod method and be done with it. If you have the dollars, change the carbs like I did or buy/make a airbox if the pods don't work and be done with it.
    For those working on this method, keep on it and good luck to you.

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