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Feb 11, 2025 at 12:20 PM
Apr 6, 2007
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near utica, new york
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XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic, from near utica, new york

Moderator Premium Member

Kegan, your fusebox is right on top of your airbox cover Mar 9, 2021

hogfiddles was last seen:
Feb 11, 2025 at 12:20 PM
    1. mirco
      Hi Dave. I haven't been on the xj site for a while. I happened to look at one of my old posts and saw that you were trying to ask me about some old fairing lowers. If you are still interested I may still have them in a box. I can take a look if need be. Let me know. Joe
    2. hogfiddles
      Hi Rick, yes I do run a shim pool. When you know what sizes you need, get in touch with me via a conversation
    3. Rick Grimes
      Rick Grimes
      I am new to the forum and new to xj's
      Just doing some research before tackling a valve clearance job. I saw in an old post that you have a shim exchange pool, if you are still doing this please let me know how it works. I have not checked mine yet so I don't know what sizes I will need but I plan on tearing into it this weekend due to a rainy forecast.
    4. hogfiddles
      Spike....more than likely, one of the exhaust heat-shields is loose. When you hear it,touch with your toe and see if it stops.
    5. hogfiddles
      1. Rick Grimes likes this.
    6. Dally
      Dally I have an 82' XJ750 Maxim it will run then die suddenly and when it is restarted it backfires. I t will restart but wants to go through the same process again. ( It is also very cold natured in the morning startup. ) I would like it to just be able to run at an even idle. Around 1150 to 1200 rpm. What should I check first?
    7. hogfiddles
      Mike....check your inbox
    8. mikew44
      hogfiddles hi I was directed to you on carb cleaning for my 1985 xj700 max hope you can help me out carb is off but looking for a good carb cleaning and carb set back to factory settings replace anything that needs replacing let me know if we can hook up or if you can direct me to place here in Portland Oregon thx
    9. hogfiddles
      Kevin, check your inbox.... We'll talk there......
    10. Kevin Beckner
      Kevin Beckner
      Can you give me a ball park price to have the carbs cleaned and rebuilt on my 82 xj 750? I was told I should come to you.
    11. hogfiddles
      bobt, check your inbox
    12. bobt
      I here you are the carb. man. If I send the carbs out do you have a ball park on the cost? How do I contact you?
    13. gmzo6
      hey hogfiddles can you read my post about my turn signal and maybe give me some advice, the only info I don`t have is about the bulb that's in the new turn signals, I can`t get it out
    14. hogfiddles
      Couldn't care less about the value of kitchens
    15. hogfiddles
      1. joejr2
        Hogfiddles I can tell by your replies and comments that you know your way around the bike world. I'm trying to get info
        on two things. How to find a bike shipper in any given town
        who will pick up a bike, prep it and submit it for shipment
        to a motor frieght company. The other is the most secure way of sending money to a seller guaranteeing that they are
        who they claim to be and that there is an actual motorcycle.
        Sep 10, 2015
    16. quebecois59
      With Pollock's help I made some room in my inbox so your message would come in !
    17. quebecois59
      Hey Dave, I hope you're doing well. My Seca900 is still not running but I recently saw an ad about a '84 Seca 750 front fairing and I wonder if it would be a direct swap?
    18. Steve R
      Steve R
      Hi, Len said that you were the guy to talk to you about my carburetors. I have a 1983 seca. I have rebuilt the carburetors but I did not break them from the rack. I am slightly handicapped and it's getting to be a lot of work. I do have a vacuum leak shaft seals. What would you charge to replace them for me?
    19. hogfiddles
      go into the forum or marketplace heading that you want, then click on the "post new thread" button toward the upper right area
    20. hogfiddles
      robawf, we ALL lost our pics when we went to the new format. You'll have to reload what you can. We ALL had to.
    21. hogfiddles
      I DON'T......my wife will confirm that---much to her annoyance.
    22. hogfiddles
      xj750R is a Seca, not Maxim. XJ750M is a Midnight Maxim...all black and gold, no bright chrome. H-1981,J-1982, K-1983. What year on title?
    23. hogfiddles
      ( other than the parts that were mentioned in the forum)
    24. hogfiddles
      Sorry, wow.....I don't have any parts for the xj400. Wish I could help you out.
    25. swedishXJ
      Hey hogfiddles. I'm restoring an old Xj400 and noticed while driving that the foot gear lever wasn't responding completely. I've seen you post a lot of spare parts, just wondering if you had a good spare i could get off your hands for a good price?
    26. hogfiddles
      hohenstein.....Be aware that is the order that the things GO IN THE HOLE. Put them on the screw first, in reverse order. Easier to put in.
    27. hogfiddles
      I have an '02 V-Max and an '85 V-Max in my stable.
      1. kwes likes this.
      2. kwes
        how hard is it to wrench on the 80s VMax?
        May 11, 2015
    28. hogfiddles
      Well, I guess it could have also been Polock........LOL
    29. hogfiddles
      mirco, that was me.....and I just tried again. You have to 'leave conversation's for them to be deleted. You're box is still full.
    30. hogfiddles
      Click on the XJ4Ever banner in the upper right corner. No need to repeat all your posts......one was enough----
    31. hogfiddles
      that one's a no-brainer
    32. hogfiddles
      Sledding before work again today.... If ya can't join it, beat it---- or at least go snowmobiling
    33. hogfiddles
      because i wanted ride the sled a little more ....... and I did :)
    34. hogfiddles
      back to snowing this afternoon.....snow, sleet, rain---reminds me of when I was a kid; mys sister and I would call it "SNEET"...
    35. hogfiddles
      Bigshankhank-- your inbox is full. Everyone-- clean up your inbox, they're not infinite----
    36. hogfiddles
      Why? Did you put ski's on it?
    37. hogfiddles
      oscar....your oil drain is CENTER below the oil filter.
      1. oscarkilo
        Almost didn't see this Dave.Yes I know about that oil drain. I've changed my oil before. That plug on the side is another place. They answered it in the thread.
        Apr 14, 2015
    38. hogfiddles
      finallly, clean main roads and warm with bright sun! 700 started right up :)
      1. elliott likes this.
      2. elliott
        finally indeed, man. mine was the tiniest bit fussy before it roared back awake.
        Apr 12, 2015
    39. hogfiddles
      do it as a project... you BOTH can learn, have a good time together, and save a lot of money. Ask, read, learn....DO. That's what we did.
    40. hogfiddles
      go to the forum area, then click on the button on the upper right that says "New Thread". Go from there.......
    41. hogfiddles
      because we went to a new platform
    42. hogfiddles
    43. hogfiddles
      Brandon, we ALREADY ANSWERED your question in your own forum. You really think we'd give a different answer here? It WON
      1. george hogue likes this.
    44. hogfiddles
      Brosef, sort of--on the old format it was called a "shout box". It's sort of a mini chat-bar, pseudo-tweet bar, etc.....
    45. hogfiddles
      hey TL1000S, good to see you finally got here! hogfiddles....still on xjog
    46. hogfiddles
      Just heard from BigFitz- he's fine, very busy, says hello to all, and will post when he finally can again.
      1. FtUp
        that's great to hear.

        Mar 14, 2015
    47. hogfiddles
      Seca cafe.....bigfitz hasn't been on in quite awhile--you may be waiting a long time for a reply.
      1. FtUp
        I've been missing that guy, I hope he is ok.

        Mar 5, 2015
      2. BaldWonder
        If I remember right, he said he's bee working longer hours, and that his work now blocks a bunch of websites - including XJbikes.com - but that he's doing alright.
        Mar 13, 2015
    48. hogfiddles
      you CAN, but you can also expect leaks as well as improper slide needle clearances......
    49. hogfiddles
      somwhere......I can't---is staying well below zero, and there's 2.5 ft of snow. Records broken for Feb here now, too....
    50. hogfiddles
      2.5 for baseline
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  • About

    near utica, new york
    1. Band Director 2. Banjos, etc.
    #1 hobby - collecting rocks and minerals #2 hobby - a whole bunch of other hobbies


    XJ900RK, XJ700, a couple dozen more XJ's, 2 Hondas, 2 Suzukis, 2 xs400 Secas....and counting
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